Thank you - engagement

The Power of Thank You – The Cheapest Way to Engage Your Employees

As an employer, we can get bogged down with complicated strategies to engage our employees, build our employer brand, and be an employer of choice. While all of these strategies are very important to the overall success of any organization, it is easy to overlook the easiest way to accomplish these goals; saying thank you.

According to a Tinypulse report, out of 200,000 employees surveyed, “only 21% of employees feel strongly valued at work”. Given that employees who feel valued are more motivated, engaged and productive; employers should prioritize valuing their employees by saying thank you.  Not only should employers be saying thank you themselves, but should be building a culture of gratitude by encouraging their managers, and employees to do so as well.

Building a culture of gratitude is a cost-effective method begin to increase the number of employees who feel valued in the workplace. Here are some FREE ways to thank your employees and start building your culture of gratitude:

  1. Say it in person! Give praise where praise is due. A genuine thank you for a specific task or accomplishment can go a long way!
  2. Email it! When an employee succeeds, send a group/company email to let everyone know how well they did and encourage others to congratulate them on a job well done.
  3. Say it publicly! Acknowledge positive performance in team meetings or town halls to let you star play shine.
  4. Say it officially! Saying thank you informally has many benefits, however making it official by writing a personal thank you note and putting it in their personnel file can carry a lot of weight and make a big impact with your employees.

Engaged employees can have a significant impact on your business. For more ways to show your team how much you value them please contact us!

An Envol Solutions Inc. Company
