

How To Keep Your Team Motivated During The Holiday Season

The winter holiday season is usually a distracting time for teams and employees. They may be hosting family members and individuals or planning to travel, the youngsters are home from school, and they will be working under generalized holiday pressure. The common outcome for commercial enterprise is a high absentee rate and a distracted work force, hence, leading directly to lowered productivity. As a supervisor, it’s very important to find suitable ways to motivate your team in order to keep team members

on task during the holidays. 


In this article, we are going to sum up unique ideas that can engage team members during the holiday season. 


Plan ahead: One of the ways to motivate your team during the holiday season is to plan ahead and be flexible; don’t let holiday scheduling sneak up on you. Meet with your team early enough to go over anybody’s scheduling wishes and to ensure the team doesn’t become shorthanded. Nothing adds to holiday burnout more quickly than team members being forced to do

someone else’s work in addition to their own. If your team can work remotely, consider letting them extend their time away while they still meet productivity goals. Also take into account that holiday season can be affected by weather, and half your

team could end up stuck in snow at an airport across the country. Likewise, permitting schedules to flex a piece to accommodate holiday obligations can assist support your teams work life balance and build loyalty in your venture.


Create a festive atmosphere: You can increase team motivation through presenting a few celebratory observances, gift or cookie exchanges are popular and cost free for your team. Be inclusive: Most companies have a multicultural team, as a result, the holiday season and celebrations should be inclusive of multiple cultures. Team members who are not represented or included in holiday celebrations can be demotivated or ostracized. Present a collection of treats and decorations that include all cultural holidays celebrated through this season to create a warm an inclusive atmosphere. 


Keep them busy: The holiday season is full of bright shiny distractions – literally. Your team maybe thinking about all of the

things they need to prepare for, buying gifts, family dinners, coordinating events, baking… you name it. As an employer, you are competing with your team members’ brain space to complete tasks. Doing the same old routine will not do

the trick. To keep your team member focused and productive; give them an exciting new task or project. Boredom is the quickest way for your team member to lose motivation and be sidetracked towards holiday planning.           


Set goals: Set goals and targets that start before and end after the holiday season is a great way to keep your team motivated and

engaged. With a goal that ends beyond the holiday season encourages your team member to stay focused and on task. These goals can be supplemented with a rewards and recognition program. Throwing parties, providing gifts, or monetary prizes for a job well done can be used to motivate your team to put in extra efforts.  


Knowing how to motivate and engage team members throughout the year is essential but it takes on unique importance

during the holiday season. If you plan ahead, create a suitable means of engagingevery team member to put in extra efforts, the holiday season can be a productive one.  

An Envol Solutions Inc. Company
